Saturday, March 10, 2012

Avalanche caught on video tape hitting warehouse

On Feb. 1, the weather was so bad in King Cove, Alaska, that the Alaska Commercial store closed about a half-hour earlier than usual. Lucky thing. The last employee left that night about 7:30, a half-hour before the normal closing time. At 7:48 p.m., according to store manager Jeff Watt, an avalanche hit the warehouse behind the store -- an area employees typically would move in and out of at the end of the day. It pounded down a slope on the western side of the city where the store is located. Three videos uploaded to YouTube captured the avalanche from various angles inside and outside of the warehouse: Garage doors blown off


Anonymous said...

Wow that is crazy footage!! It has been a crazier year for avalanches. Do you ever post about skiing? Check out !

Kneester said...

Crazy avy's this year no doubt, too many deaths. Come back and look at my blog, tons of ski related postings. Thanks for checking it out. Nice blog you have too, looks like u just started?